April Races Recap
Saturday, April 16th, our athletes traveled down to Redwood Shores to duel it out with NorCal Crew. This racecourse is excellent for spectators, with a buoyed 2-lane course, a bridge at the 1k marker, and a walking path along most of the water. We had a strong showing winning 20 of the 26 races that we entered. Big thank you to Youth Girls’ mom - Barbara Kinney for taking photos and sharing them with us.
You can view full race results here.

League Race
Saturday, April 23rd our crews raced at our last regular-season race at Lake Natoma versus Oakland Strokes and hosts, Capital Crew. Racing on this course just two weeks before our regional championships which will be on the very same racecourse was invaluable to our athletes. The racecourse is set up for championship season with 7 color-coordinated buoyed lanes. No matter the outcome of each race, all crews learned a lot from their time on the water in Sacramento. It has been 2 years since we raced at USRowing Southwest Regional Championships, which is traditionally held at Lake Natoma, and for many of our athletes, this was their first time on the water. Barbara Kinney was in attendance again and graciously snapped photos of all of our athletes! A small selection is presented below.
Full race results can be found here.