2021 Marin Rowing COVID Participation Waiver and Protocols Agreement
Adults Members,
Here are the rules you'll need to follow in order to participate:
Complete this one-time 2021 Waiver and Protocol Form online.
Do not come to the boathouse if you have a fever or if you are feeling ill.
Members and staff are to 14-day self-quarantine if they have come into close contact with anyone who has tested positive to the COVID virus. A negative test following that quarantine period gets you back in the door.
Wear a mask at all times on land and on the dock.
Remain 6’-10' feet apart from one another at all times.
No congregating.
Two people inside a bay at a time.
Two people in the restroom at a time, one person in the shower at a time.
You choose to participate at your own risk.